GREEN WEDDING Dishes and Glasses - Dishes were washed and reused when possible, and the few disposable glasses were biodegradable. Paper - The programs, the favor take-home bags, and cocktail napkins were all recycled paper. The invitations (and matching program covers) came from scraps from a t-shirt factory. Local Products - Many of the flowers were organically and/or locally grown, as was the food; the chicken was free range. The purple basil favors were potted and grown at home. Mint for the mojitos was brought by Seth's parents from Michigan where they live next to a huge mint farmer. SHANNON'S DRESS The buttons that went all the way down the back of Shannon's dress came from her sister Sara's wedding dress. The lace on the train came from her mother Jill's wedding dress. And sewn into the headpiece of her veil was her grandmother Alice Bishop's diamond dinner ring. The ring was very OLD; the buttons will be returned to Sara's dress, so they were BORROWED; and Shannon's necklace had BLUE topaz stones, matching the blue aquamarine engagement ring. REHEARSAL DINNER Seth's mother Deb made eleven beautiful quilted table runners for the Rehearsal Dinner tables at Fairhaven Farms. All of them represented different places Seth or Shannon had lived, and there were tags on the table explaining them. At the end of the meal the Lengkeeks did a drawing for guests to choose and take home the runners. SEE PHOTOS Deb had also made delicious venison sticks, a favorite of Seths, to serve before the meal. The venison was courtesy of Seth's dad, an avid hunter. The Michigan Mints on the tables were a product of the mint grown by family friends in Michigan who were also wedding guests. Of course those folks were the source of the mint for the mojitos too. The morning of the wedding Seth's mom Deb made ALL of the mojitos that were served to wedding guests during the social hour. Everyone gathered at Wizzler's Bowling Alley in downtown Annandale after the Rehearsal Dinner and had a fine time. SUNDAY BRUNCH Out of town guests returned for Sunday Brunch the day after the wedding. It was catered by our good friend and neighbor, Kari, who has shared her menu and recipes. Early on the morning of the brunch Kari broke her leg, but she was so well prepared that her extensive family was able to prepare and serve the food while she hopped around supervising. It ended up being a double spiral fracture. WEDDING LOCATION The wedding, reception, and Sunday brunch took place in Bishop's yard where Shannon grew up, and we were fortunate to have ideal weather. The Unity Sand Ceremony began with sand from Bishop's beach. GIFT REGISTRY Shannon and Seth registered at Target, Macy's and Amazon.com as many brides and grooms do, but they also welcomed donations in honor of their marriage to both ASPCA, The American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals and the World Wildlife Fund. Several guests choose to take advantage to those options. OFFFICIANTS The wedding was officiated by Hannah and Debbie, two dear friends of Shannon's from nursing school. They created a very personal and beautiful ceremony. SAM THE DOG Seth and Shannon's dog Sam was part of the wedding ceremony. He stood by Seth until after the reading of "Falling in Love is Like Owning a Dog", then he was taken out by usher Aaron.