Jill's Kumihimo Website

Japanese Braiding


Types of Cords

  • 1 mm Satin Rattail Cord is the default cord for most kits, and most pieces I've done.
    • The two best sources I've found are Primitive Originals and What-a-Knit. They seem to be the same product.
    • There are only 30+ colors, a very limited number.
  • DMC Floss: 6-ply, available widely; over 400 colors
    • DMC Satin Floss is a lovely product too; around 100 colors
    • Two floss strands can be used in place of 1mm satin rattail.
    • Two of the 6-ply floss threads are slightly thinner than on 1mm rattail; three threads are slightly thicker than 1 mm rattail.



Keeping Records

Keeping record of your pieces is a good idea. I use this form [PDF or MS Word] for my pages, and I refer back to them often.