Mint Iced Tea
served by Sandy Otto using mint and lavender from her garden

Sandy says: This is how I make my ice tea, two gallons at a time.

I use:
Lipton lemon sugar ice tea mix (I get the big canisters)
6 - 8 assorted tea bags
Lavender and spearmint
A 4 cup measuring Pyrex pitcher

Steep the tea bags, spearmint and lavender in 2 1/2 --3 cups almost boiling water, for 6-8 minutes
Remove tea bags and herbs
Add the amount of Lipton tea mix for 2 gallons in the hot water, mix to dissolve
Make sure you have water to the 4 cup line.

Now you have a wonderful ice tea syrup. Each cup makes 1/2 gallon of tea.
I pour the three remaining cups in cup containers and freeze. If company comes, thaw out in the micro wave, and you have tea in a jiffy.

Play around with the teas. I like black and green, with mango, blueberry, anything you want.  Raspberry is a good flavor. Have fun with it.