- Cody Skarning (college friend and Minneapolis former housemate)
- Jim Miller (high school friend)
- Pete Edmondson (high school friend)
- Pat Hill (high school friend)
- JT
Haines (Minneapolis friend and former housemate)
Cody – My first weekend after classes started Grinnell
I barely knew anyone and I had been soaked in water (freshman orientation -
long story). On my way back to my dorm I ran into Cody.
He asked me how I got soaked, and after I explained it to him he said,
“I’m wearing two T-shirts, take mine.”
He literally gave me the shirt off his back.
Typical. Cody and I played
basketball at
together and after graduation Cody and I spent a ton of time together for
several years and eventually lived together in Uptown until May of 2005.
Jim and I grew up together in
. We’ve spent countless, countless
hours together doing or talking about any number of activities from fishing to
basketball, football (real and fantasy), golf, softball and on and on.
I really don’t know how to explain our relationship but he and I
seem to be like a moth to a flame, but I don’t know who the flame is.
Jim is a jeweler in
and provided our engagement and wedding rings.
Jim’s wife, Amy, is Joelle’s personal attendant, as Joelle was
Amy’s, and
was one of Jim’s groomsmen.
8th Grade Basketball |

9th Grade Basketball |
AHS Varsity Basketball Team |
Pat is one of my oldest friends.
A few of the pictures you’ve seen or will see show just how long
we’ve known each other. While
Pat and I have done a lot of activities Jim and I do, Pat and I don’t agree on
a lot of things (when trying to decide if I would live in Uptown I think his
comment was “I’d hate it, but it might be okay for YOU.”
I still don’t know what he meant by that). Over
more than twenty years I’ve come to realize that he has one of the best hearts
and is one of the most loyal people I’ve ever met.
Jefferson and Patrick, age 3
Pete and I did most of the activities that Jim,
Pat and I did, just not as long because Pete moved to
in 11th grade. He made
up for the lost time by making stories and memories quickly through his antics.
Pete’s all grown up now and mature with a wife and two kids but he
remains one of the most fun people I’ve ever met.
Jefferson & Pete as Jesters in the AHS Madrigal
JT – JT and I met through mutual friends but I think we
immediately took a liking to each other somehow.
He’s one of the most intelligent people I know, and oddly, one of the
silliest. A combination I really
enjoy. We lived together for almost
2 years in Uptown, and I got to play a bit role in the most recent feature
length film JT wrote and directed.