
In the years I was working on my Master of Liberal Studies degree (1994-1999) I wrote lots of papers.  Many of them were exceedingly dry, such as "Is Geology a Quantitative or a Qualitative Science?"  But there were some more interesting ones.

Black Family in America (33k) - Examination of the conflicting views and interpretations of the structure of the black family and the solutions to remedy the ill-defined problems.

The Making of A Community Website (41k) - The 1999 process paper for my MLS thesis project, Annandale Online.

Papers from the 1997 Place, Power, and Culture class were more interesting than most:

Place Power and Culture at My House (5k) - Examines an intergenerational power struggle

Lake Wobegon (20k) - Examines the eternal intergenerational adolescent/adult power struggle in Lake Wobegon.

Lake Wobegon-2 (27k) - Examines the conflict between both rejecting and embracing the traditional, old-fashioned lifestyle that is seen in Lake Wobegon.

High School Fighting (4k) - A conflict over what is appropriate behavior.

A 1994 undergraduate class in Philosophy: Ethics produced this paper:

Animal Experimentation (19k)

Papers from my American Studies1003 class (1994-1996) were some of my favorites:

Three Generations of Women (62k) - Examines the values, beliefs, and attitudes of five women in three generations of my family:  my mother, my sister and myself, and my two daughters.

Malcolm X:  A Comparison of the Book and the Movie (23k)

A Comparison of Two Versions of "Father of the Bride" (16k)

American Sub-Cultures in the 1950s (12k)

Family Structure Changes: 1950s to 1990s (12k)

Feminine Mystique  (10k)

Style (6k)

Evolving Images of Family in TV  (11k)

More "essays" appear in the form of our Holiday Newsletters, an ongoing chronicle of our family starting in 1983.  CLICK HERE for an index of Holiday Newsletters and photos.

Address to School Board - April 28, 2008 - to save the 1922 school building from demolitions


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